Richmond Cycling Club

The club was originally founded in 1892 and is one of the oldest cycling clubs in the UK and indeed the world. The club is a community club and open for everyone, we are friendly and welcoming to all new members whatever cycling discipline you are interested in and whatever level you ride at, we are open and here to help everyone and we are looking forward to welcoming new members of the community into our club

Richmond Cycling Club

The club was originally founded in 1892 and is one of the oldest cycling clubs in the UK and indeed the world. The club is a community club and open for everyone, we are friendly and welcoming to all new members whatever cycling discipline you are interested in and whatever level you ride at, we are open and here to help everyone and we are looking forward to welcoming new members of the community into our club

Richmond Cycling Club

The club was originally founded in 1892 and is one of the oldest cycling clubs in the UK and indeed the world. The club is a community club and open for everyone, we are friendly and welcoming to all new members whatever cycling discipline you are interested in and whatever level you ride at, we are open and here to help everyone and we are looking forward to welcoming new members of the community into our club

What we do?

Learn about what we do weekly and monthly!

Rides take place every Sunday throughout the year and start from Richmond School at 9.30am


Ride routes are posted a few days before each ride on the Strava club page and RCC Facebook page as well as WhatsApp groups. We aim to run two rides each week, a Club Ride route and a Social Ride route. On occasions, the two rides will be combined and paced to suit all the riders present. These are “no-drop” rides, so you won’t be left to get home alone if you have misjudged the effort or have a mechanical problem, but please pick a level that is sensible for you.



Dean McQue


Roy Hill


Clare Booth

Welfare officer

Tony Oliver


At least once per month we aim to organize a “Challenge Ride” for those wishing to challenge themselves on longer rides. These will replace the Club ride route for that week but we will still run a Social ride route. The Club welcomes new and prospective members to participate in all these rides. They are a great way to meet the club members and learn group riding skills. Potential new members can ride as guests on up to 3 occasions before committing to a membership of the club.

We offer rides to suit everyone, so whether you are looking for a grueling ride over challenging terrain, or a steady ride at your own pace, there’s a ride for you.

Meeting Point

All rides start from at 9:30am

Richmond School Darlington Rd Richmond North Yorkshire DL10 7BQ

The club rides

A ride for everyone at every level

Social Ride

20-30 miles

10-14 mph


The Social Ride

Typically the distance will range somewhere between 20-30 miles and will include a café stop and will be at a steady pace. There's no minimum speed for these rides but estimated speeds are usually around 10 to 14 mph. The type of cyclist on this ride varies considerably from those that are regularly content with the speed and distance involved, new cyclists, improving their fitness, or those simply fancying a more chilled ride out riding in a group. Like all our rides, this is a “no drop” ride, so you won’t be left behind if you are struggling or have a mechanical failure. It is normal on group rides for the group to split on ascents and descents. We all cope with the ascents at our own pace and on the descent it is safer to have some distance between riders. No one should feel pressure to keep up with the quicker riders. The ride leaders will ensure that the group comes together at the top or bottom. This is a great ride to build group riding skills and the endurance fitness base that any cyclist needs, whether you are new to the sport or an old hand looking for an enjoyable ride.

Club Ride

30-70 miles

15-18 mph


The Club Ride

Typically these rides will range somewhere between 30-70 miles, will include a café stop and suit more experienced cyclists used to group riding. Speed will be 15 -18mph+. Riders should be more comfortable with more intense efforts and longer distances. These rides are first and foremost a social ride for the stronger cyclist and are not flat out training rides. The pace will be variable and there will be times when the group is split, including on flat sections, however the group will come back together at regular frequencies. Those joining this ride should be confident that they have the fitness to complete the ride, however these are still “no-drop” rides and as such, if any rider is struggling with the effort (we all have those days), or is new to the ride and has simply misjudged their ability, the ride leader will ensure that the group eases the pace for the remainder of the ride, or another rider will accompany that rider to the end of the ride. Whilst there are some very strong riders in this group, it is NOT an “elitist” group and any rider wishing to push their limits to improve is very welcome and will get support from all the other riders (we’re actually quite friendly). The important thing here is to be prepared to push your limits, it’s still not a full on ‘training bash’, but designed to stretch you and your fitness. This will benefit those planning a tough sportive or similar challenge.

Challenge Ride

70+ miles



The Challenge Ride

A special monthly ride designed for those looking to go the extra mile This ride will be longer and hillier than our usual Club Ride, offering an exciting test of endurance and climbing strength. Each Challenge Ride will be announced in advance, giving you time to prepare. We’ll have several rest and food stops along the way to keep you fueled and ready to tackle the route. Previous challenging rides Saltburn, 100milers, Kirkby Stephen, Stang & Tan Hill and organized sportives

General ride information

Extra information regarding our rides


There will be some seasonal variation in ride length and pace, due to weather, road conditions or daylight hours. In extreme conditions and at the sole discretion of the Ride Leader, a ride may be cancelled or varied at the last minute in the interest of safety.


There will be some seasonal variation in ride length and pace, due to weather, road conditions or daylight hours. In extreme conditions and at the sole discretion of the Ride Leader, a ride may be cancelled or varied at the last minute in the interest of safety.


There will be some seasonal variation in ride length and pace, due to weather, road conditions or daylight hours. In extreme conditions and at the sole discretion of the Ride Leader, a ride may be cancelled or varied at the last minute in the interest of safety.

Combined Rides

Please be aware that if rider numbers are low due to bad conditions or other factors (holiday periods), there may only be a combined ride. This will be paced to suit all.

Combined Rides

Please be aware that if rider numbers are low due to bad conditions or other factors (holiday periods), there may only be a combined ride. This will be paced to suit all.

Combined Rides

Please be aware that if rider numbers are low due to bad conditions or other factors (holiday periods), there may only be a combined ride. This will be paced to suit all.

New Members

RCC rides are open to new and guest riders, but out of courtesy to our fully paid up members, and indeed for insurance purposes after attending three rides non-members will be asked to join the club.

New Members

RCC rides are open to new and guest riders, but out of courtesy to our fully paid up members, and indeed for insurance purposes after attending three rides non-members will be asked to join the club.

New Members

RCC rides are open to new and guest riders, but out of courtesy to our fully paid up members, and indeed for insurance purposes after attending three rides non-members will be asked to join the club.

Introducing the Yorkshire Dales

Introducing the Yorkshire Dales

Introducing the Yorkshire Dales

  • Richmond Cycling Club • A ride for every one at every level.

  • Richmond Cycling Club • A ride for every one at every level.

  • Richmond Cycling Club • A ride for every one at every level.

The Documents

View and download our clubs documents

Performance Increase


The fundamental principles, rules, and structure that govern our club.

Performance Increase


The fundamental principles, rules, and structure that govern our club.

Performance Increase


The fundamental principles, rules, and structure that govern our club.

Performance Increase

Code of Conduct

The expected behaviors, values, and ethical standards within our club.

Performance Increase

Code of Conduct

The expected behaviors, values, and ethical standards within our club.

Performance Increase

Code of Conduct

The expected behaviors, values, and ethical standards within our club.

Performance Increase

Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure

Our process for handling complaints.

Performance Increase

Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure

Our process for handling complaints.

Performance Increase

Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure

Our process for handling complaints.

Performance Increase

Risk Assessment

Identification of potential hazards and evaluates the risks associated with them

Performance Increase

Risk Assessment

Identification of potential hazards and evaluates the risks associated with them

Performance Increase

Risk Assessment

Identification of potential hazards and evaluates the risks associated with them

Membership & Services

What you get for your membership

Full Member

Sign up for the year through British Cycling to become a member


Weekly rides

Social events

Access to RCC cycling kit

Full Member

Sign up for the year through British Cycling to become a member


Weekly rides

Social events

Access to RCC cycling kit

Full Member

Sign up for the year through British Cycling to become a member


Weekly rides

Social events

Access to RCC cycling kit

Bike Box Hire

Need to travel with your bike? We've got you covered


per week

Bike Box Alan for hire

£100 deposit

Get in touch for more details

Bike Box Hire

Need to travel with your bike? We've got you covered


per week

Bike Box Alan for hire

£100 deposit

Get in touch for more details

Bike Box Hire

Need to travel with your bike? We've got you covered


per week

Bike Box Alan for hire

£100 deposit

Get in touch for more details

Get in touch

Unsure if the club is for you or have question drop us a line and someone will be in touch shortly.